Research Spotlight - Sara Foote

Author: Kelly Girst

Sara Foote In Lab

Sara Foote

Majors: Biochemistry/Theology
Research Location: The University of Notre Dame

Sara researched T cell cross-reactivity using cell culture techniques. T cells have the possibility of being extremely effective cancer treatment; however, the nature of T cells is cross-reactive, and scientistsĀ need to understand more about this before introducing T cells into clinical trials. Sara studied the cross-reactivity of the DMF5 T cell receptor (which recognizes
a protein in melanoma) by introducing cells transfected with this TCR to a variety of different proteins and measuring protein binding. Her results showed that DMF5 is a fairly selective TCR (compared to others used in the Baker lab), but that there are also some very interesting mutations that still allow for TCR-pMHC binding. Her lab is still exploring these

Sara says, "This experience has made me a lot more confident in my lab work; I am comfortable running, and to a certain extent designing, these cross-reactivity experiments by myself. It also helped me learn how to share my results. At the end of the experience, I gave a 45 minute presentation to my lab members. I learned how to analyze my data and present these in readable figures, as well as being comfortable enough with the material to answer questions about it."