Research Spotlight - Camila Antelo Iriarte

Author: Kelly Girst

Camila Antelo Iriarte Writing On Note Pad

Camila Antelo Iriarte

Major: Political Science
Location: Antigua Guatemala/Washington D.C.

Camila participated in "Central America Dialogues: A Conference Series on Regional Realities," a dual-session conference. She completed an investigation and draft for a briefing presented before the first session. She also spent a month between the two sessions working on a policy briefing that was later publicly presented in Washington D.C. While there, she met with senior advisors from the House, the Senate, and Homeland Security to share insights about the situation in the Northern Triangle and recommendations to alleviate it.

Camila says, "I learned about the importance of connecting scholarly work with policy. I saw beyond my own expectations as a first-year student and tried to create a tangible impact, which is what every scholar aims to do, in my opinion."