Jillian Snyder

Assistant Director

<strong>Assistant Director<strong></strong></strong>
205E O'Shaughnessy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556


Jillian Snyder is the Assistant Director of the Glynn Family Honors Program where she also serves as an Assistant Teaching Professor. Her research focuses on the intersection of religion and literature, past and present. Professor Snyder's book project, Sincere Performances: Scripting the Body in Post-Reformation England, examines how preachers and players in Shakespeare’s England grappled with the lived bodily experience of Protestant reform. She also writes on the reception of Shakespeare in American religious communities from the 19th through the 21st century, exploring how these communities find in Shakespeare a source of cultural capital. Her research has been funded by Notre Dame’s Presidential Fellowship, the Mellon Foundation, the American Friends of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC).

Professor Snyder received her Ph.D. (2019) from the University of Notre Dame. Prior to joining the Glynn Honors Program, Professor Snyder taught at Christ College, Valparaiso University’s Honors Program.

In addition to teaching in the Glynn curriculum, Professor Snyder also specializes in advising and professional development. She is happy to meet to discuss senior thesis plans, ideas for Glynn grants, or graduate school possibilities. You can schedule an office hours appointment with her here.

Research Interests

Early Modern Drama, Shakespeare, Reformation Literature, Affect Theory and History of Emotions, Religion and Literature, Reception Studies